Covid19 · Grief · Lent

D1 Lent 2022: The Choice

"I have set before you life and death,the blessing and the curse.Choose life, then" Deut 30: 15 - 20 There's a scene in the cult classic, The Matrix - where the protagonist Neo is offered a choice. "You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you… Continue reading D1 Lent 2022: The Choice

Covid19 · Lent · Mental Health

Ash Wednesday: Wholly, Wholly, Wholly

 These are my very raw and very personal Lenten 2022 reflections. Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart Joel 2:12 I dunno, this one hit me like sack of bricks. If you've read the meme - you know how around season 5 of most TV shows, the writers run out… Continue reading Ash Wednesday: Wholly, Wholly, Wholly

Covid19 · Uncategorized

Spiritual lessons I have learnt from Watercolouring

Adrift on the waves of existential dread I decided to create talismans to help me keep my head above water. These talismans consist of me reminding myself of what God has been actively or loudly communicating to me through everything I am exposed to (all the Jesus material) and so, I decided to do pretty… Continue reading Spiritual lessons I have learnt from Watercolouring


Has this Lockdown really changed my life?

In a few days/weeks the restrictions will be lifted and we will all burst from this forced isolation like birds from a cage. Many people spent their lockdown learning skills and building new relationships, mine was basically testing old relationships, dealing with an emergency crisis and of course, my old kryptonian nemesis, heartbreak. It wasn't… Continue reading Has this Lockdown really changed my life?